Do you remember growing up as a young child and getting a playdough set? For me my mom would make homemade playdough and it put store bought stuff to shame. It was softer, lasted longer and it didn’t dry out as fast. This tradition has carried over by my wife making batches of this great mass of stuff for our kids, church and birthday party gifts. It is awesome! You can make just about anything with this stuff. I have made plenty of blue hamburgers, green hotdogs and my personal favorite…the python. Sometimes we’ve had the chance to play with clay. It usually came in these long rectangle blocks and it comes in the basic colors, red, blue, green and yellow. It is a little harder to work with but you can make figures and objects that will stand up and stay to its form until you break it down and start over again. Sometimes what we created would be permanently displayed in our room or somewhere in the house for everyone to see. It was a masterpiece in our own eyes.
I have been learning over the past three years and counting, my hands always like being in the clay when it comes to shaping and molding my life. I like trying to shape and mold my life into the things I want and in the time in which I want them. I want to choose the colors and if I want to make it bigger I just add more clay. If I want to share, I decide how much. If I want it all, I just hide my supply of clay. I’ve been taught recently that if I want to be a Follower of Christ and not a fan, my hands must get off the clay. Jesus said in Luke 9:23 “If any of you wants to be a follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily and follow me.” What….. and give up “my clay”! Yep. He wants to transform me (heart and mind) and to that I’ve got to give it up. I cannot do enough good things even Christian-like things to shape myself. I cannot say enough good things to make myself look better. Don’t get me wrong this is hard to do and I keep trying to find ways to make it easier, because I like being comfortable. Being uncomfortable, anxious and even scared is no fun. This is where my trust and faith in Him becomes the most important thing with my walk. For me My Journey with Christ has just begun.
“ “We are the clay, and you are the potter. We are all formed by your hands.””